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    New Biomedical Polymer Material Research and Application Achieves Significant Progress
    Update time: 2008-09-02
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       Recently, the Changchun institute of applied chemistry chinese academy of science (CIAC) achieved important progress in " New Biomedical Polymer Material Research and Application ", which is international advanced as a whole and is partly leading the international level. It won the Jilin Province first-class scientific and technological award of 2007. There were 90 academic papers published during R&D of the project. SCI collected all of them, of which 30 related to impact factor>3 received 45 Chinese patents.


       Biomedical polymer used as a diagnostic, treatment and organ regeneration materials can extend patient’s life and improve life quality. Its researche in biotechnology, life sciences and medicine and other fields occupies important places. Different fields of biomedical science have different requirements for biomedical materials.

       Chen Xuesi, Jing Xiabin with other researchers in the Changchun Institute of applied chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences take the state’s needs as their own responsibility to target this important direction through accumulation of solid scientific R&D and accurate understanding of development trend of biomedical polymer materials. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation, Ministry of Science and Technology, and Science and Technology Department of Jilin Province, they assumed the project, "New Biomedical Polymer Materials Research and Applications". Based on structural design of biodegradable polymer materials, they produced different types of biomedical polymer materials, and studied basic performance, features, materials, biology evaluation and clinical applications. After nearly 7 years tireless and continuous efforts, they produced functional polymer materials synthesized new biodegradable and conductive polymer materials through microstructure control chain, and made a series of breakthroughs.


     Based on structural design and production of biomedical polymer materials, this project synthesized Schiff base alkyl/alkoxy aluminum complex with 90% stereospecificity for the first time, and obtained PLA materials with melting point as high as 201 ℃. They creatively used POM and micro-infrared spectroscopy to study formation of PEO-PCL block copolymer concentric  spherulite), established two-crystalline polymers crystallization behavior research methods, and explained a variety of factors affecting crystallization behavior. They first adopted ahighly stereospecific block PLA material to conjugate with protein drug and insulin, and obtained high drug loading PLA - protein complexes. They creatively put forward the "power emulsion spinning technology" to achieve load and release of two drug with different solubility at the same time, which allows combinations of drug and polymer carrier no longer subject to the cosolvent restriction, and completed pre-clinical experiments of a variety of drug delivery agent. They established a new method to chemically modify HA/PLGA composite material so that the composite material’ tensile strength and toughness has been greatly improved. They produced electrical activity of the scaffold of biodegradable polymer materials for repairing nerve and heart supporter materials, and nano-particle composite materials for enhancing the aliphatic polyester that can be used for bone repair.

       The human body experiment results show that the material is histocompatible, long in degradation, slow decay in the mechanical properties, non-toxic, non-mutagenic and no immune response. Nano-HA/PLA composite materials in internal fixation of fracture and bone repair materials have important applications. E-caprolactone and PLA bone fix plate with temperature-sensitivity has been used in Jilin University First Hospital medical rehabilitation and orthopedic clinical trial, with good results and no adverse reactions, so it has a broad market prospect and competitive advantage.

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