Prof. Takanori Shima from Oganometallic Chemistry Laboratory of RIKEN, was invited to talk at the CIAC on October 15th. This lecture entitled “Chemistry of MultimetallicPolyhydride Complexes: Activation and Transformation of Dinitrogen and Benzene” was one of CIAC’s “Applied Chemistry Lecture Series” Takanori Shima was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1972. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2001 from Tokyo Institute of Technology on a study of multinuclear polyhydrido complexes, under the supervision of Prof. Hiroharu Suzuki. He undertook postdoctoral research in the group of Prof. John A. Gladysz in the Institute fürOrganischeChemie of Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität (Erlangen, Germany) as an Alexander-von-Humboldt fellow in 2002. He joined RIKEN in 2004(postdoc 2004-2009, Research Scientist 2009-2011, Senior Research Scientist 2011-present). His research interests include synthesis and developing of new multimetallicpolyhydrido complexes. 